Talk:Dalarna County

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Question: My Swedish is not very well, but is Dalarna Swedish for "the valleys", or is it just similar? Jeronimo

  • Your Swedish is probably better than mine; but I deduce, from the river name translations my Swedish Web-friend "sweidre" gives, that the short answer to the first question is "yes". Robin Patterson 23:43, 29 Apr 2004 (UTC)
  • Yes, you're both right, it's exactly "the Valleys". I would assume that the valleys referred to are those of Västerdalälven (Western Valley River) and Österdalälven (Eastern Valley River) which flow together at Borlänge. The population of Dalarna is concentrated to these waters. The Latin version, Dalecarlia, seems derived from one of the Swedish names of the inhabitants, "dalkarlar" (literally "valley men"), though they are also called "masar" or "dalmasar". The old name of the county, "Kopparberg County", of course means "Cupper Mountain County" referring to the mine at Falun, which for ages was the important part of Dalarna for the Swedish government. -- Jao 09:51, 30 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Map is nice and clear but would be much more use showing at least part of Norway (adjoining Dalarna) rather than Finland. Robin Patterson 23:43, 29 Apr 2004 (UTC)

A minor correction only![edit]

Örsterdalälven (the Eastern Valley River) and Västerdalälven (the Western Valley River) flow together into Dalälven (the Valley River) already at Djurmo village in the municipality of Gagnef. Downstream the united Dalälven flows through Borlänge and finally into the Baltic Sea at Skutskar mill in the Uppland County. -- 23:07, 22 Jul 2004 (UTC)Rgds sweidre - Göran Malmberg

Merge with Dalarna[edit]

I see no difference between the two. See Talk:Dalarna#Merge Dalarna County with this. LokiClock (talk) 15:08, 2 February 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

No. They are two different entities. Dalarna (landskapet Dalarna) is a historical province without any administrative or politcal significance. Dalarna county (Dalarnas län) is a presentday administrative subdivision of Sweden under a governor (landshövding). In the case of Gotland there are even three different entities (a province, a county and a municipality) all with the same territory, but with three different articles--Muniswede (talk) 23:19, 2 February 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]